Book, Medallion Presented to Pope (By SDA Church)

In connection with a recent consultative meeting of secretaries of World Confessional Families held in Rome, B. B. Beach, secretary of the Northern Europe-West Africa Division, one of the 15 partic­ipants and the only Adventist in the group, presented a book and a medallion to Pope Paul VI on May 18.

The book presented was the Adventist missionary book Faith in Action, and the me­dallion was a gold-covered symbol of the Seventh Adventist Church. The medallion is an engraved witness to the Adventist faith in Christ as Creator, Redeemer, and soon-coming Lord, in the cross and Bible, and in the lasting validity of the Ten Commandments. While the other commandments are represented simply as Roman numerals. the words of the fourth- 'Remember the sab­bath day, to keep it holy" ­are written out.